Friday, July 31, 2009

Access - Hard coding date and moving to next record when date is not the current date?

I have a timesheet where the date automatically comes up for the employee (dateworked). The employee can hit a button (inbutton) to show what time they came in and what time they left (outbutton) work. I have employee id, timesheet id, dateworked (automatically set to show current date), inbutton, outbutton, timin,timout.

I need to be able to move to the next record (timesheet id and dateworked showing todays date) of the subform when clicking on the new employee name (from the parent form) displaying dateworked if dateworked from yesterday is not null. If the dateworked is not null and the inbutton or the outbutton has been previously pressed I want to be able to disable the buttons too.

How can I code this?


Access - Hard coding date and moving to next record when date is not the current date?
Can you describe your form or print screen the form so we can see it. It's hard to visualize what your doing in this form. Sounds like you may need to do something on the LostFocus or Update event on the field your using.

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