i need to use it for images i want in my signature on FOH runescape clan site
What is html coding i need to use it for images i want in my signature on FOH runescape clan site?
%26lt;img src="http://www.blank.com./yourpicture/"... picture
Reply:HTML Coding;
%26lt;img src="IMAGE LINK HERE"%26gt;
Place your direct image link in "IMAGE LINK HERE".
Usualy on forums, you use BB codes as images, tags ect. so if you mean BB codes heres the BB version.
[img]IMAGE LINK HERE[/img]
Once again, Place your direct image link in "IMAGE LINK HERE".
Sunday, August 2, 2009
School for Medical billing & coding in the NYC area?
Whats the best school for Medical billing %26amp; coding in the NYC area?
How long does it take?
whats the salary?
School for Medical billing %26amp; coding in the NYC area?
There are a number of them including the two cited above.
It can take as little as three months to prepare for an entry level position in this field. NYC would be on the upper end of the pay scale, so it would be above $35,000 to start, and would increase with Continuing Education Units and experience.
Simply put all three lines together in your browser without spaces between them, and it will provide you with several choices.
Good Luck to you.
Reply:thanks for all your replys. i will be looking further into this with the urls provided.
thanks! Report It
Reply:If I had to take a wild guess, it is probably offered as continuing education certification at Hunter College or another branch of the City University of New York.
I think it takes a year or so, and the salary is around $40,000.
How long does it take?
whats the salary?
School for Medical billing %26amp; coding in the NYC area?
There are a number of them including the two cited above.
It can take as little as three months to prepare for an entry level position in this field. NYC would be on the upper end of the pay scale, so it would be above $35,000 to start, and would increase with Continuing Education Units and experience.
Simply put all three lines together in your browser without spaces between them, and it will provide you with several choices.
Good Luck to you.
Reply:thanks for all your replys. i will be looking further into this with the urls provided.
thanks! Report It
Reply:If I had to take a wild guess, it is probably offered as continuing education certification at Hunter College or another branch of the City University of New York.
I think it takes a year or so, and the salary is around $40,000.
Medical billing and coding student needs serious help!!!!!?
I am an online student and I am having difficulties finding codes in my ICD. 9. CM book. The codes I am being asked to code are very open. For example: Color change in fingers/toes; Dyspnea on exertion, Just a couple of examples. Anyone with some clues for how I can better utilize this book or maybe a website that may help. Anything I only have until sunday to figure this out. If any of you reading this happen to be a student of Anthem College Online in the medical billing and coding program and would be interested in possibly exchanging email concerning class let me know.
Medical billing and coding student needs serious help!!!!!?
The ICD9 CM is divided into two major sections, the alphabetic index of diseases and the numeric code (tabular list of diseases) section.
The best way to find a specific code is first search the index for the general condition. Hint: it is usually more useful to look up the condition rather than the body part affected when using the index. (e.g. heart palpitations, look up palpitations rather than heart)
After you think you found what you are looking for (or at least something close) in the index, look up the corresponding code in the numeric code section. (e.g. palpitations 785.1)
Occasionally, you may not find the exact term you are looking for in the index. It helps to have a medical dictionary and even a thesaurus around to find synonyms to search.
Frequently you will need to find additional "digits" to be more specific about the diagnosis. These are listed usually on the same page or page before they are needed.
abdominal pain (look up pain, abdomen) 789.00 (nonspecific)
right upper quadrant (additional digits 1) 789.01
For your specific questions:
color change in finger/toes - this is a tough one because it is too vague medically speaking. Is it the nails or the skin of the finger or the joints of the finger or toes, and what color? blue (cyanosis), red (erythema), yellow (jaundice / cigarette stains?)... this is one you'd have to have your doctor specify what he / she means.
discoloration, nails (703.8) or
acrocyanosis (443.89) etc
dyspnea on exertion - this one is also a funny one because though it looks really specific, there really is no code exactly for it. This happens a lot with "symptom" diagnosis. In this case just find the one that fits the best.
dyspnea or short, breath (786.05)
Try not to use "nonspecific codes" if another more specific code works better. In the example above respiratory abnormality, unspecified (786.00) could have been used, but the more specific (but just as vague) shortness of breath (786.05) is a much better code.
Good luck!
Reply:Hi! I'm an Anthem college student also and the color change in finger and toes is the only one i don't have an answer to. Have you tried to contact the teacher? Maybe she could help.
Look around in this site. Good Luck.................
Medical billing and coding student needs serious help!!!!!?
The ICD9 CM is divided into two major sections, the alphabetic index of diseases and the numeric code (tabular list of diseases) section.
The best way to find a specific code is first search the index for the general condition. Hint: it is usually more useful to look up the condition rather than the body part affected when using the index. (e.g. heart palpitations, look up palpitations rather than heart)
After you think you found what you are looking for (or at least something close) in the index, look up the corresponding code in the numeric code section. (e.g. palpitations 785.1)
Occasionally, you may not find the exact term you are looking for in the index. It helps to have a medical dictionary and even a thesaurus around to find synonyms to search.
Frequently you will need to find additional "digits" to be more specific about the diagnosis. These are listed usually on the same page or page before they are needed.
abdominal pain (look up pain, abdomen) 789.00 (nonspecific)
right upper quadrant (additional digits 1) 789.01
For your specific questions:
color change in finger/toes - this is a tough one because it is too vague medically speaking. Is it the nails or the skin of the finger or the joints of the finger or toes, and what color? blue (cyanosis), red (erythema), yellow (jaundice / cigarette stains?)... this is one you'd have to have your doctor specify what he / she means.
discoloration, nails (703.8) or
acrocyanosis (443.89) etc
dyspnea on exertion - this one is also a funny one because though it looks really specific, there really is no code exactly for it. This happens a lot with "symptom" diagnosis. In this case just find the one that fits the best.
dyspnea or short, breath (786.05)
Try not to use "nonspecific codes" if another more specific code works better. In the example above respiratory abnormality, unspecified (786.00) could have been used, but the more specific (but just as vague) shortness of breath (786.05) is a much better code.
Good luck!
Reply:Hi! I'm an Anthem college student also and the color change in finger and toes is the only one i don't have an answer to. Have you tried to contact the teacher? Maybe she could help.
Look around in this site. Good Luck.................
How to get the time written in Java-Script coding?
how to get the time wriiten in JavaScript coding?
How to get the time written in Java-Script coding?
%26lt;script language="JavaScript"%26gt;%26lt;!--
var months = new Array();
months[0] = 'January';
months[1] = 'February';
months[2] = 'March';
months[3] = 'April';
months[4] = 'May';
months[5] = 'June';
months[6] = 'July';
months[7] = 'August';
months[8] = 'September';
months[9] = 'October';
months[10] = 'November';
months[11] = 'December';
var days = new Array();
days[0] = 'Sunday';
days[1] = 'Monday';
days[2] = 'Tuesday';
days[3] = 'Wednesday';
days[4] = 'Thursday';
days[5] = 'Friday';
days[6] = 'Saturday';
now = new Date();
var Hours;
var Mins;
var Time;
var dayname = days[now.getDay()];
var monthname = months[now.getMonth()];
var dayofmonth =now.getDate();
var year = now.getYear();
if (year %26lt; 1000) year += 1900;
Hours = now.getHours();
if (Hours %26gt;= 12) {
Time = " P.M.";
else {
Time = " A.M.";
if (Hours %26gt; 12) {
Hours -= 12;
if (Hours == 0) {
Hours = 12;
Mins = now.getMinutes();
if (Mins %26lt; 10) {
Mins = "0" + Mins;
document.write('%26lt;FONT SIZE="2" FACE="Verdana" COLOR="#FFFFFF"%26gt;');
document.write(dayname + ' - ' + monthname + ' ' + dayofmonth + ', ' + year);
document.write(' - ' + Hours + ":" + Mins + Time + '');
// --%26gt;%26lt;/script%26gt;
Reply:all thinks in java scripts
Reply:Try this link
Mind Experts Inc.
How to get the time written in Java-Script coding?
%26lt;script language="JavaScript"%26gt;%26lt;!--
var months = new Array();
months[0] = 'January';
months[1] = 'February';
months[2] = 'March';
months[3] = 'April';
months[4] = 'May';
months[5] = 'June';
months[6] = 'July';
months[7] = 'August';
months[8] = 'September';
months[9] = 'October';
months[10] = 'November';
months[11] = 'December';
var days = new Array();
days[0] = 'Sunday';
days[1] = 'Monday';
days[2] = 'Tuesday';
days[3] = 'Wednesday';
days[4] = 'Thursday';
days[5] = 'Friday';
days[6] = 'Saturday';
now = new Date();
var Hours;
var Mins;
var Time;
var dayname = days[now.getDay()];
var monthname = months[now.getMonth()];
var dayofmonth =now.getDate();
var year = now.getYear();
if (year %26lt; 1000) year += 1900;
Hours = now.getHours();
if (Hours %26gt;= 12) {
Time = " P.M.";
else {
Time = " A.M.";
if (Hours %26gt; 12) {
Hours -= 12;
if (Hours == 0) {
Hours = 12;
Mins = now.getMinutes();
if (Mins %26lt; 10) {
Mins = "0" + Mins;
document.write('%26lt;FONT SIZE="2" FACE="Verdana" COLOR="#FFFFFF"%26gt;');
document.write(dayname + ' - ' + monthname + ' ' + dayofmonth + ', ' + year);
document.write(' - ' + Hours + ":" + Mins + Time + '');
// --%26gt;%26lt;/script%26gt;
Reply:all thinks in java scripts
Reply:Try this link
Mind Experts Inc.
How can i find a peer reviewed article on medical billing and coding?
try an online database or local library database for articles
HTML help! How can i delay loading a file in my HTML coding?
I'm making a website, which has one MP3 file that has to be loaded. since the file is about 3MB some users have difficulty to open the webpage. I want to delay opening that mp3 ,after the whole page has been loaded.
what's the code to delay opening a file?
HTML help! How can i delay loading a file in my HTML coding?
Here is an example of how to do it:
function loadPlayer() {
Player.URL = "myMP3.mp3"
%26lt;body onload="loadPlayer();"%26gt;
%26lt;object id="Player" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-0...
width="0" height="0"%26gt;
Reply:Use coffecup.com 's firestarter. with it - make a blank movie and insert the mp3 - choose the amount of dely by adjusting the slider. real easy that way. save as an .swf (flash) no coding needed
Reply:Maybe you can use a frameset and load the mp3 in a separate frame. Or maybe even using iframes -- or using JavaScript to dynamically create the element and load the mp3 after your page has been rendered.
Reply:You need to use a streaming script. This loads the file a little at a time while playing what has already been loaded.
LIke this:
%26lt;object ID="WMPlay" width="169" height="61" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-0... codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/a... standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" style="border: 1px solid #000000; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; padding-top: 1; padding-bottom: 1" align="center
%26lt;param name="URL" value="http://www.yoursite.com/yourfile.... type=".mp3" ref%26gt;
%26lt;param NAME="AutoStart" value="-1"%26gt;
%26lt;param NAME="InvokeURLS" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="rate" value="1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="balance" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="currentPosition" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="defaultFrame" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="playCount" value="1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="currentMarker" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="baseURL" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="volume" value="100"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="mute" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="uiMode" value="mini"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="stretchToFit" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="windowlessVideo" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="enabled" value="-1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="enableContextMenu" value="-1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="fullScreen" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="SAMIStyle" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="SAMILang" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="SAMIFilename" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="captioningID" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="_cx" value="4471"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="_cy" value="1614"%26gt;
%26lt;embed width="320" height="312" type="application/x-mplayer2"
src="stream_asx.html?speed=300%26amp;path=au... Name="GameSpot Live" ShowControls="1" AutoStart=True ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1"%26gt;
playing cards
what's the code to delay opening a file?
HTML help! How can i delay loading a file in my HTML coding?
Here is an example of how to do it:
function loadPlayer() {
Player.URL = "myMP3.mp3"
%26lt;body onload="loadPlayer();"%26gt;
%26lt;object id="Player" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-0...
width="0" height="0"%26gt;
Reply:Use coffecup.com 's firestarter. with it - make a blank movie and insert the mp3 - choose the amount of dely by adjusting the slider. real easy that way. save as an .swf (flash) no coding needed
Reply:Maybe you can use a frameset and load the mp3 in a separate frame. Or maybe even using iframes -- or using JavaScript to dynamically create the element and load the mp3 after your page has been rendered.
Reply:You need to use a streaming script. This loads the file a little at a time while playing what has already been loaded.
LIke this:
%26lt;object ID="WMPlay" width="169" height="61" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-0... codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/a... standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" style="border: 1px solid #000000; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4; padding-top: 1; padding-bottom: 1" align="center
%26lt;param name="URL" value="http://www.yoursite.com/yourfile.... type=".mp3" ref%26gt;
%26lt;param NAME="AutoStart" value="-1"%26gt;
%26lt;param NAME="InvokeURLS" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="rate" value="1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="balance" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="currentPosition" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="defaultFrame" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="playCount" value="1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="currentMarker" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="baseURL" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="volume" value="100"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="mute" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="uiMode" value="mini"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="stretchToFit" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="windowlessVideo" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="enabled" value="-1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="enableContextMenu" value="-1"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="fullScreen" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="SAMIStyle" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="SAMILang" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="SAMIFilename" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="captioningID" value%26gt;
%26lt;param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="0"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="_cx" value="4471"%26gt;
%26lt;param name="_cy" value="1614"%26gt;
%26lt;embed width="320" height="312" type="application/x-mplayer2"
src="stream_asx.html?speed=300%26amp;path=au... Name="GameSpot Live" ShowControls="1" AutoStart=True ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1"%26gt;
playing cards
How to use dhtml and css combination in coding?
how to use dhtml and css combination in coding?
How to use dhtml and css combination in coding?
Neither one necessitates the other. The most common way of using the two in tandem is to use javascript functions to schange the style on a given section of text or other content. For example, you might have a function that changes the style of a graphics span based on what text button the mouse is currently hovering over. This would have the effect of changing the image (or image location, whatever) based on what button the user might be about to push. Functional effect would be to implicitly provide more information about said button (pseudo-microhelp).
Just define all your desired styles first in the css file (or header). This would include distinct styles for whatever different states your page content might be in at any given time. Then go ahead and define your functions that would toggle them. You could even define a global class-switching function such as the one below to simply pass a element ID and class name to the function and toggle it at any event on your page.
%26lt;script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"%26gt;
function DoSomething (something,newclass) {
document.getElementById( something ).class = newclass;
How to use dhtml and css combination in coding?
Neither one necessitates the other. The most common way of using the two in tandem is to use javascript functions to schange the style on a given section of text or other content. For example, you might have a function that changes the style of a graphics span based on what text button the mouse is currently hovering over. This would have the effect of changing the image (or image location, whatever) based on what button the user might be about to push. Functional effect would be to implicitly provide more information about said button (pseudo-microhelp).
Just define all your desired styles first in the css file (or header). This would include distinct styles for whatever different states your page content might be in at any given time. Then go ahead and define your functions that would toggle them. You could even define a global class-switching function such as the one below to simply pass a element ID and class name to the function and toggle it at any event on your page.
%26lt;script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"%26gt;
function DoSomething (something,newclass) {
document.getElementById( something ).class = newclass;
Where's the page with the coding to display a Yahoo avatar on a non-Yahoo web page?
There used to be a link on the avatars home page, but it's gone now and I can't find it anywhere.
Where's the page with the coding to display a Yahoo avatar on a non-Yahoo web page?
sign in and go to http://avatars.yahoo.com/export.html
Reply:To get there, go to the avatars home page ( http://avatars.yahoo.com/ ) In the far rt, column, near the top there is a link to "export avatar" Report It
Where's the page with the coding to display a Yahoo avatar on a non-Yahoo web page?
sign in and go to http://avatars.yahoo.com/export.html
Reply:To get there, go to the avatars home page ( http://avatars.yahoo.com/ ) In the far rt, column, near the top there is a link to "export avatar" Report It
Medical Coding and Billing?
I am looking into taking online medical coding and billing classes; however, would it be best to have an associates or a certificate. What are employers looking for? Can anyone recommend any solid accredited online schools for this program?
Medical Coding and Billing?
It would be best to have an associates degree. I would suggest getting the certificate first, finding a job and working in the feild, then going back and getting your degree. That is what I'm doing right now. You will also need to be become a certified coder, there are CPC, CPC-H, and CPC-P. The APPC gives the CPC or the AHIMA gives the CCS gives the test. These are the only 2 credentials recognized by employers.
Reply:A certificate vs' an Associate degree- it depends what your goal is. Working in a doctors office doing coding/billing or working at home coding/billing would not require a degree and may not even require certification. However, working in a hospital would require a credential and having a degree would be helpful.
A great online coding/billing program is MT Advantage Career Center.
Good luck to you with your career decisions!
Reply:definately go for the assoc. degree and make sure that it is accredited with AHIMA so that you will be eligable to sit for the RHIT exam
Medical Coding and Billing?
It would be best to have an associates degree. I would suggest getting the certificate first, finding a job and working in the feild, then going back and getting your degree. That is what I'm doing right now. You will also need to be become a certified coder, there are CPC, CPC-H, and CPC-P. The APPC gives the CPC or the AHIMA gives the CCS gives the test. These are the only 2 credentials recognized by employers.
Reply:A certificate vs' an Associate degree- it depends what your goal is. Working in a doctors office doing coding/billing or working at home coding/billing would not require a degree and may not even require certification. However, working in a hospital would require a credential and having a degree would be helpful.
A great online coding/billing program is MT Advantage Career Center.
Good luck to you with your career decisions!
Reply:definately go for the assoc. degree and make sure that it is accredited with AHIMA so that you will be eligable to sit for the RHIT exam
How do I get the coding on open office calc to appear?
sort of like the visual basic editor on excel?
like this %26gt; http://zone.ni.com/cms/images/devzone/tu...
How do I get the coding on open office calc to appear?
Depends on which version you have:
graphics cards
like this %26gt; http://zone.ni.com/cms/images/devzone/tu...
How do I get the coding on open office calc to appear?
Depends on which version you have:
graphics cards
What is the stereo color coding for a 04 ford explorer sportrac?
i specifically am needing the + %26amp; - of f/R f/L b/R b/L
What is the stereo color coding for a 04 ford explorer sportrac?
to be honest i dont know.. if you really need them then look on the speakers them selves... write down the colors for each speaker and then you should be all set.. if you're gonna cut the factory harness out to install a stereo i wouldnt recommend it, i would spend the $6 on a wiring kit, its easier and isn't that expensive and you won't ruin your car's harnes..
What is the stereo color coding for a 04 ford explorer sportrac?
to be honest i dont know.. if you really need them then look on the speakers them selves... write down the colors for each speaker and then you should be all set.. if you're gonna cut the factory harness out to install a stereo i wouldnt recommend it, i would spend the $6 on a wiring kit, its easier and isn't that expensive and you won't ruin your car's harnes..
Is there a simple way to find hard-coded cells in a spreadsheet of cells using formulas?
We put together large budgets with many sheets of information and many rows and columns of formulas in each sheet. The budget is handed off to the customer and the customer returns them. However, many times the customer with adjust the budget by hard-coding numbers where formulas used to be. We have no easy way to determine of the hundreds of cells with formulas, which ones were changed to hard numbers. If you have a spreadsheet full of numbers with some formulas and some hard-coded numbers, is there an easier way to tell which is which other than looking at them one by one?
Is there a simple way to find hard-coded cells in a spreadsheet of cells using formulas?
use formula auditing, it will tell you
Reply:Formula evaluator. You can see the various parts of a nested formula evaluated in the order the formula is calculated by using a simple dialog box on the Formula Auditing toolbar.
Is there a simple way to find hard-coded cells in a spreadsheet of cells using formulas?
use formula auditing, it will tell you
Reply:Formula evaluator. You can see the various parts of a nested formula evaluated in the order the formula is calculated by using a simple dialog box on the Formula Auditing toolbar.
I am thinking about going back to college and at the moment I am interested in medical coding or transcribing,
If you have experience in either of these fields, can you let me know if they are easy or difficult courses to study, thank you.
I am thinking about going back to college and at the moment I am interested in medical coding or transcribing,
You can get information about both at the following link:
Both programs are offered via distance learning at specified colleges so they shouldnt be that difficult. Biology and chemistry may be a requirement. Just make sure that you build a career around something that you love. All the best!
Reply:Thank you for your response, I will check out career step. Report It
I am thinking about going back to college and at the moment I am interested in medical coding or transcribing,
You can get information about both at the following link:
Both programs are offered via distance learning at specified colleges so they shouldnt be that difficult. Biology and chemistry may be a requirement. Just make sure that you build a career around something that you love. All the best!
Reply:Thank you for your response, I will check out career step. Report It
Is u.s. career institute a good program on medical billing coding?
Have anyone graduated from u.s. career institute and earn a degree and have earn a good job.
Is u.s. career institute a good program on medical billing coding?
US Career Institute is an educational clearinghouse, which means they teach many different programs rather than specializing in one comprehensive program. Medical Billing and Coding are wonderful career choices, but quality training is important. I would look around at more options. MT Advantage Career Center offers a comprehensive medical coding and billing program. Best wishes to you!
botanical garden
Is u.s. career institute a good program on medical billing coding?
US Career Institute is an educational clearinghouse, which means they teach many different programs rather than specializing in one comprehensive program. Medical Billing and Coding are wonderful career choices, but quality training is important. I would look around at more options. MT Advantage Career Center offers a comprehensive medical coding and billing program. Best wishes to you!
botanical garden
How can I learn coding for HTML?
I have javescript but, I can't read it ; to change it to what I need . thanks
How can I learn coding for HTML?
learn it at w3schools website
Reply:You just need to do a search for HTML tutorials, you should be able to find several that will help you.
Reply:HTML coding is simple tags or markups used to frame the pages for presenting as web sites. The tags to use are defined by w3c or word wide web consortium www.w3c.org supported by different browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.
The two places to download HTML editor are
Adobe has an excellent product called Dreamweaver and is most popular version of editor used for building HTML and Javascript based web sites. You can also get a free older versions available from Adobe or any other public source.
The best way to learn HTML and Javascript is to build your own personal web site using the free tools available from Yahoo/Google and or other sources and test the same. You can also search on Yahoo %26amp; Google for free tools for education and learning.
They can help you with troubleshooting.
Also make sure your using the ending codes. %26lt;/%26gt;
How can I learn coding for HTML?
learn it at w3schools website
Reply:You just need to do a search for HTML tutorials, you should be able to find several that will help you.
Reply:HTML coding is simple tags or markups used to frame the pages for presenting as web sites. The tags to use are defined by w3c or word wide web consortium www.w3c.org supported by different browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.
The two places to download HTML editor are
Adobe has an excellent product called Dreamweaver and is most popular version of editor used for building HTML and Javascript based web sites. You can also get a free older versions available from Adobe or any other public source.
The best way to learn HTML and Javascript is to build your own personal web site using the free tools available from Yahoo/Google and or other sources and test the same. You can also search on Yahoo %26amp; Google for free tools for education and learning.
They can help you with troubleshooting.
Also make sure your using the ending codes. %26lt;/%26gt;
In medical billing and coding what is the code for low platelet count?
That would be an ICD-9 code. You really need to work with your manual and use the index. That should be easy to find. Unfortunately my manuals are buried in the closet, and I have no idea where the backpack containing them is!
Remember, CPT is for procedures done on an outpatient basis, such as your doctor's office. The ICD-9 can be used for procedures as well, but inpatient only. The main use for the ICD-9 is for the diagnois of the patient. HCPCS is used for injections, drugs,supplies, medical equipment, some procedures, and transportation of patient (such as ambulance).
In medical billing and coding what is the code for low platelet count?
try this link:
List of ICD-9 codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of ICD-9 codes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search ... List of ICD-9 codes 280-289: Diseases of the blood and blood ...
Saved by 16 people
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ICD-9_co... - 18k - Cached - More from this site - Save
Reply:Try the link below. It has a few CPT codes you can choose from.
Remember, CPT is for procedures done on an outpatient basis, such as your doctor's office. The ICD-9 can be used for procedures as well, but inpatient only. The main use for the ICD-9 is for the diagnois of the patient. HCPCS is used for injections, drugs,supplies, medical equipment, some procedures, and transportation of patient (such as ambulance).
In medical billing and coding what is the code for low platelet count?
try this link:
List of ICD-9 codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of ICD-9 codes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search ... List of ICD-9 codes 280-289: Diseases of the blood and blood ...
Saved by 16 people
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ICD-9_co... - 18k - Cached - More from this site - Save
Reply:Try the link below. It has a few CPT codes you can choose from.
What is the CPT coding for a cardiac C.A.T. scan, namely the "64 slice?
Unless I know the CPT code for this procedure, my health insurance can't tell me if it is a covered item.
What is the CPT coding for a cardiac C.A.T. scan, namely the "64 slice?
may be one of this 75552 , 75553 , 75554, 75555 , 75556 but im not sure which... go to www.google.com and search for CPT cardiac CT
What is the CPT coding for a cardiac C.A.T. scan, namely the "64 slice?
may be one of this 75552 , 75553 , 75554, 75555 , 75556 but im not sure which... go to www.google.com and search for CPT cardiac CT
College work help - building a website and also doing visual basic coding?
i need to find a web server and·Security, data protection and Copyright issues.
Also i need a site that will teah me visual basic codings in an easy way possible from like what and where the coding goes to make it happen
if you dont know anything about this please dont answer but if you can seriously can help me please do help me
College work help - building a website and also doing visual basic coding?
for you first quiz regarding a webserver, you can use www.10xhosting.com which is free and you can have a domain name for free as well.
Reply:I really don't know about the Server for your Web site but about visual basic you can go to http://www.freevbcode.com/ this is the place where i learned programming in visual basic they give you examples
Reply:For VB.NET, I found this tutoral very helpful:
wild flowers
Also i need a site that will teah me visual basic codings in an easy way possible from like what and where the coding goes to make it happen
if you dont know anything about this please dont answer but if you can seriously can help me please do help me
College work help - building a website and also doing visual basic coding?
for you first quiz regarding a webserver, you can use www.10xhosting.com which is free and you can have a domain name for free as well.
Reply:I really don't know about the Server for your Web site but about visual basic you can go to http://www.freevbcode.com/ this is the place where i learned programming in visual basic they give you examples
Reply:For VB.NET, I found this tutoral very helpful:
wild flowers
Hello friends, I'm looking for a book about coding, which describes the basics of all common codes. Any ideas?
"Code," by Charles Petzold.
Hello friends, I'm looking for a book about coding, which describes the basics of all common codes. Any ideas?
Search google for Programming %26amp; Algorithms. You can also visit my blog http://codesbyshariq.blogspot.com for help
Hello friends, I'm looking for a book about coding, which describes the basics of all common codes. Any ideas?
Search google for Programming %26amp; Algorithms. You can also visit my blog http://codesbyshariq.blogspot.com for help
Does anyone know of actual work from home jobs.Or how to find Hospitals that need medical biling/coding done..
from home??
Does anyone know of actual work from home jobs.Or how to find Hospitals that need medical biling/coding done..
plenty of hospitals, are in the Midwest, however they prefer you have a certification from a accredited school and some ask for a degree at the least from a accrediting agency, school try cahimm web site.
Reply:Try guru.com you can look to find work to bid on and it free if you find work in your local area other wise you have to pay to bid work outside you local area.
Reply:you are going to get nothing but spam and scam answers in this forum (surveys, cash crate, etc). they are all scams. If you get any answer with a web link or a "click on my profile for more info" message, just ignore it.
Reply:Hope this website helpful.
All real work at home jobs there.
pink flowers
Does anyone know of actual work from home jobs.Or how to find Hospitals that need medical biling/coding done..
plenty of hospitals, are in the Midwest, however they prefer you have a certification from a accredited school and some ask for a degree at the least from a accrediting agency, school try cahimm web site.
Reply:Try guru.com you can look to find work to bid on and it free if you find work in your local area other wise you have to pay to bid work outside you local area.
Reply:you are going to get nothing but spam and scam answers in this forum (surveys, cash crate, etc). they are all scams. If you get any answer with a web link or a "click on my profile for more info" message, just ignore it.
Reply:Hope this website helpful.
All real work at home jobs there.
pink flowers
Which is the top most company that follows standardised coding in MSDOTNET?
Iam here to collect the companies which use Microsoft Dot Net and working on DOT NET platform with standards in coding. I need the rating of the companies like which companies are the best once in MSDOTNET based on Technology
Which is the top most company that follows standardised coding in MSDOTNET?
Microsoft !!! ( I hope :-)
flower bouquet
Which is the top most company that follows standardised coding in MSDOTNET?
Microsoft !!! ( I hope :-)
flower bouquet
With all the speculation that the coding message is Jericho?
What would you say his best feud was with?
With all the speculation that the coding message is Jericho?
Jericho vs Malenko just for this promo:
Reply:Y2J/Rock was an epic feud for me. Y2J/Benoit was amazing too.
Coding message? Someone catch me up.
Reply:The coding is clearly Jericho!!!! And they call us fans dumb!!! Though if we are wrong I have no comments, LOL!!! What if it is the return of Sid Vicious, LOL!!
Anyway he best feud was with The Rock because they are both great at promos!!!
Reply:christan great ladder match
Reply:Notice that he said he is gonna save the WWF
And the video says Save Us
I like The Rock and Jericho feud
With all the speculation that the coding message is Jericho?
Jericho vs Malenko just for this promo:
Reply:Y2J/Rock was an epic feud for me. Y2J/Benoit was amazing too.
Coding message? Someone catch me up.
Reply:The coding is clearly Jericho!!!! And they call us fans dumb!!! Though if we are wrong I have no comments, LOL!!! What if it is the return of Sid Vicious, LOL!!
Anyway he best feud was with The Rock because they are both great at promos!!!
Reply:christan great ladder match
Reply:Notice that he said he is gonna save the WWF
And the video says Save Us
I like The Rock and Jericho feud
Can someone give me the color coding (RJ45) for switch hub to switch hub connection with 50 meters distance..
there are three types of cables
straight ------------------- connection btn diffrent devices
cross --------------------connection btn same devices
rolled over----------------connection btn router to computer com port
in this case u wanna use straight becasue they are diffrent devices so crimb both ends using the same color code
orange white
green white
blue white
brown white
Can someone give me the color coding (RJ45) for switch hub to switch hub connection with 50 meters distance..
That web page will tell you the procedure to make up a cat 5 cable.
USE the 568A procedure. It is the most common.
You will need a special crimp tool.
Reply:Straight Cable :
Blue,Whiteblue,green Whitebrown
Cross Cable :
Hope it helps for you...
wholesale flowers
straight ------------------- connection btn diffrent devices
cross --------------------connection btn same devices
rolled over----------------connection btn router to computer com port
in this case u wanna use straight becasue they are diffrent devices so crimb both ends using the same color code
orange white
green white
blue white
brown white
Can someone give me the color coding (RJ45) for switch hub to switch hub connection with 50 meters distance..
That web page will tell you the procedure to make up a cat 5 cable.
USE the 568A procedure. It is the most common.
You will need a special crimp tool.
Reply:Straight Cable :
Blue,Whiteblue,green Whitebrown
Cross Cable :
Hope it helps for you...
wholesale flowers
Which of these careers is better?..dental assisting, medical assisting, or medical coding?
if you have experience in any of these, please let me know a little bit about it.
Which of these careers is better?..dental assisting, medical assisting, or medical coding?
The medical assistant career is very rewarding and versatile. Most medical assistants work in doctor's offices under the direct supervision of primary care or specialty care physicians. You must be good with people of all ages and from all walks of life.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the medical assistant field will be one of the fastest growing occupations in the USA.
Medical coders and billers work together to assure health care providers to get paid for their services. The main shared focus area of both careers is the medical office business' financial aspects. It can be said, that the healthcare provider's livelihood and success depend on the medical biller's and coder's skills, dependability, and accuracy. Many working in medical coding and billing eventually specialize in either medical coding, or medical billing only.
The medical coder primarily focuses on converting a medical procedure, diagnosis, or symptom into specific codes to submit a claim for reimbursement.
The medical biller assures that health insurance companies and patients are billed for procedures provided by the health care provider, whether this took place during scheduled or emergency medical office, or hospital visits.
Reply:I heard somewhere that medical coding and medical transciption is the next big thing, after call centers. (I'm from the Philippines and there are call centers EVERYWHERE right now.)
Which of these careers is better?..dental assisting, medical assisting, or medical coding?
The medical assistant career is very rewarding and versatile. Most medical assistants work in doctor's offices under the direct supervision of primary care or specialty care physicians. You must be good with people of all ages and from all walks of life.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the medical assistant field will be one of the fastest growing occupations in the USA.
Medical coders and billers work together to assure health care providers to get paid for their services. The main shared focus area of both careers is the medical office business' financial aspects. It can be said, that the healthcare provider's livelihood and success depend on the medical biller's and coder's skills, dependability, and accuracy. Many working in medical coding and billing eventually specialize in either medical coding, or medical billing only.
The medical coder primarily focuses on converting a medical procedure, diagnosis, or symptom into specific codes to submit a claim for reimbursement.
The medical biller assures that health insurance companies and patients are billed for procedures provided by the health care provider, whether this took place during scheduled or emergency medical office, or hospital visits.
Reply:I heard somewhere that medical coding and medical transciption is the next big thing, after call centers. (I'm from the Philippines and there are call centers EVERYWHERE right now.)
What is medical coding? I am a MT and i want to know more about coding?
It has to do with insurance companies. The code that is sent into them for a certain procedure determines how much the insurance company will pay for the exam that was done. If the wrong code is wrote in the insurance co. may not pay for it or they will pay less then they should. Codes chg like the wind does and you have to stay on top of the changes.
song meanings
song meanings
1999 bmw 528I mirror WIRING CIRCUIT schematics COLOR CODING?
1999 bmw 528I mirror WIRING CIRCUIT schematics COLOR CODING?
You should see 5 wires.
2 for the heating element (if you have heated mirrors).
3 for the mirror control motors.
My E46 manual shows that you may either see one of the following cases below (depending on which side mirror it is... it was a little vague on the sides). If you see 3 black and 2 brown wires, it's going to be really hard to tell which is which if this is the case. I'll list it anyway...
Black - heating element ground (-)
Black - Heating element (+)
Brown - motor 1 (+)
Brown - motor 1 %26amp; 2 common ground (-)
Black - motor 2 (+)
....or if you're lucky, you'll see:
Brown - heating element ground (-)
Green/black - Heating element (+)
Blue/white - motor 1 (+)
Blue/green - motor 1 %26amp; 2 common ground (-)
Blue/black - motor 2 (+)
Unfortunately, it doesn't say whether motor 1 or 2 controls the vertical or horizontal... and I'm also hoping the wiring of the 528i is similar to the E46.
But, if the above colors don't match and you wish to test out wire-by-wire, use a 9V battery and hook it up to the wires in pairs. There's no risk of shorting because each wire is connected to either a motor or the heating element. You'll see either;
- 1 motor moving (you got the correct wire pair for that motor)
- 2 motors moving slowly (you got both + wires from the 2 motors and you missed the common ground),
- nothing (you got one wire from the motor and one from the heating element) or
- the mirror warming up (you got the correct wire pair for the heating element)...
you can then figure out which is which.
Hope this helps, good luck!
1999 bmw 528I mirror WIRING CIRCUIT schematics COLOR CODING?
You should see 5 wires.
2 for the heating element (if you have heated mirrors).
3 for the mirror control motors.
My E46 manual shows that you may either see one of the following cases below (depending on which side mirror it is... it was a little vague on the sides). If you see 3 black and 2 brown wires, it's going to be really hard to tell which is which if this is the case. I'll list it anyway...
Black - heating element ground (-)
Black - Heating element (+)
Brown - motor 1 (+)
Brown - motor 1 %26amp; 2 common ground (-)
Black - motor 2 (+)
....or if you're lucky, you'll see:
Brown - heating element ground (-)
Green/black - Heating element (+)
Blue/white - motor 1 (+)
Blue/green - motor 1 %26amp; 2 common ground (-)
Blue/black - motor 2 (+)
Unfortunately, it doesn't say whether motor 1 or 2 controls the vertical or horizontal... and I'm also hoping the wiring of the 528i is similar to the E46.
But, if the above colors don't match and you wish to test out wire-by-wire, use a 9V battery and hook it up to the wires in pairs. There's no risk of shorting because each wire is connected to either a motor or the heating element. You'll see either;
- 1 motor moving (you got the correct wire pair for that motor)
- 2 motors moving slowly (you got both + wires from the 2 motors and you missed the common ground),
- nothing (you got one wire from the motor and one from the heating element) or
- the mirror warming up (you got the correct wire pair for the heating element)...
you can then figure out which is which.
Hope this helps, good luck!
Does anyone have a job in medical coding?
i am thinking of going to school for it and want to know how it is
Does anyone have a job in medical coding?
If you go to a community college you could get an Associates degree in Health Information Technology. When done with that, you take a test and get certified. These people most often work in a hospitals medical records department and start out at around $18-$20 and hour.
There are other courses around that give just a certificate in coding (not a degree). You could complete that much more quickly than a degree. With a certificate, you can get a job in a doctors office and probably make about $12-$14 and hour depending on the size of the doctors office.
Reply:like programming medical programs? im pretty sure theres a good demand for jobs like that. im sure it will be a great profession as long as you enjoy making programs even if their not that interesting.
good luck
Does anyone have a job in medical coding?
If you go to a community college you could get an Associates degree in Health Information Technology. When done with that, you take a test and get certified. These people most often work in a hospitals medical records department and start out at around $18-$20 and hour.
There are other courses around that give just a certificate in coding (not a degree). You could complete that much more quickly than a degree. With a certificate, you can get a job in a doctors office and probably make about $12-$14 and hour depending on the size of the doctors office.
Reply:like programming medical programs? im pretty sure theres a good demand for jobs like that. im sure it will be a great profession as long as you enjoy making programs even if their not that interesting.
good luck
Best way to start to learn java coding?
im wanting to start learning java but i dont know how to start and what to use to help me
Best way to start to learn java coding?
bestway is to get sams teach yourself in 24 hours or java for dumies. it will give you an idea to start java
graphics cards
Best way to start to learn java coding?
bestway is to get sams teach yourself in 24 hours or java for dumies. it will give you an idea to start java
graphics cards
If isolating a copy of a gene coding for a protein in the stomach, could that gene be located in cheek cells?
yes, all cells in our body contain the same genetic material.
If the person is genetically diseased(i.e inherited a genetic disease) then it may not be found in all of his body cells because that gene is propably replaced or mutated when he/she inherited it.
If isolating a copy of a gene coding for a protein in the stomach, could that gene be located in cheek cells?
Yes but it won't probably be expressed. In order to do this, it should be under the control of a cheek-cells promoter, rather than one of stomach cells. Genes are expressed according to the promoters they are controlled by, most of which are tissue-specific
If the person is genetically diseased(i.e inherited a genetic disease) then it may not be found in all of his body cells because that gene is propably replaced or mutated when he/she inherited it.
If isolating a copy of a gene coding for a protein in the stomach, could that gene be located in cheek cells?
Yes but it won't probably be expressed. In order to do this, it should be under the control of a cheek-cells promoter, rather than one of stomach cells. Genes are expressed according to the promoters they are controlled by, most of which are tissue-specific
Best products for making webpages without knowing any html coding?
ok so i just found netobjects Fusion 10. i was wondering if other people could tell me what they're favorite program is that they use for making web pages with knowing little or any Html coding? i'd love to find other programs like this that are even better. recently tried MS expression and it looks alot like VB studio and it may be more robust but it looks a little hard to use.
any suggestions or opinions.
Best products for making webpages without knowing any html coding?
I like doing my design in MS Front page and when it comes to coding, I move to Visual Studio to code the web interface
One point is if you are using some tech on web u need to have license of that software you still have choice if u r beginer you can use frontpage. macromedia dreamviwer is the perfect tool you can use it just follow their temple's if you still cant understand it just buy a book on dreamviewer its hardly rs 120 will make you a professional.
or you go to wikipedia site find open source software for html pages you will get license free tools which is equally good for all of us.
Remember pirated software using is crime n u can go 2 jail. dont go with any product of microsoft you have 2 buy it seprately in future say your ms-office is costing 18,000/- small business edition and frontpage i dont know the price. if u look at the future say 2009. just decide right now which product you will choose.
Reply:use microsoft frontpage
download 30 day trial
any suggestions or opinions.
Best products for making webpages without knowing any html coding?
I like doing my design in MS Front page and when it comes to coding, I move to Visual Studio to code the web interface
One point is if you are using some tech on web u need to have license of that software you still have choice if u r beginer you can use frontpage. macromedia dreamviwer is the perfect tool you can use it just follow their temple's if you still cant understand it just buy a book on dreamviewer its hardly rs 120 will make you a professional.
or you go to wikipedia site find open source software for html pages you will get license free tools which is equally good for all of us.
Remember pirated software using is crime n u can go 2 jail. dont go with any product of microsoft you have 2 buy it seprately in future say your ms-office is costing 18,000/- small business edition and frontpage i dont know the price. if u look at the future say 2009. just decide right now which product you will choose.
Reply:use microsoft frontpage
download 30 day trial
I brought some premier jewelry and its changing colors, is there a coding or something i can put on it?
I have more of this jewerly and its pretty expensive, thanks
I brought some premier jewelry and its changing colors, is there a coding or something i can put on it?
If it's silver, you just need to get some silver jewelry cleaner (I'm not sure what you have). And that will return it to the original color.
I brought some premier jewelry and its changing colors, is there a coding or something i can put on it?
If it's silver, you just need to get some silver jewelry cleaner (I'm not sure what you have). And that will return it to the original color.
How do u learn coding to make 3d games or flash games is there a site that can teach me coding for freebeginr?
a free site please thats simple note i am a very very starter something thats simple to start with ver y easy please
How do u learn coding to make 3d games or flash games is there a site that can teach me coding for freebeginr?
try this http://msdn.microsoft.com/coding4fun/gam...
How do u learn coding to make 3d games or flash games is there a site that can teach me coding for freebeginr?
try this http://msdn.microsoft.com/coding4fun/gam...
Coding : How to store passwords?
Hey does anyone know the code for when you are making a website where u want to store the password after your press login or go? PHP or HTML is fine.
Coding : How to store passwords?
Depends on where you want to store the password.. do you want to link the website to an underlying database?
usually passwords are "submitted" via POST method in a form in html. so when the user click go or login the contents in the tag form are submitted to the next page where your form points. you can use the contents on the next page or save them somewhere. e.g. database or file or session cookie.
e.g. %26lt;form method="Post" link="pageaddress.html"%26gt;
%26lt;input type="password"%26gt;
%26lt;input type="buttom" name="submit"%26gt;
Reply:do not store passowords other than your personal diary or memory not even in mobile many hi jackers survey your pc when u are on line
Reply:store it in your fone as a number 01234*******9864 only fill the stars with numbers lol
Coding : How to store passwords?
Depends on where you want to store the password.. do you want to link the website to an underlying database?
usually passwords are "submitted" via POST method in a form in html. so when the user click go or login the contents in the tag form are submitted to the next page where your form points. you can use the contents on the next page or save them somewhere. e.g. database or file or session cookie.
e.g. %26lt;form method="Post" link="pageaddress.html"%26gt;
%26lt;input type="password"%26gt;
%26lt;input type="buttom" name="submit"%26gt;
Reply:do not store passowords other than your personal diary or memory not even in mobile many hi jackers survey your pc when u are on line
Reply:store it in your fone as a number 01234*******9864 only fill the stars with numbers lol
Medicare coding reimbursements question?
As a Hospital health information management professional responsible for medicare coding, what might you use to help assign reimbursement classifications to episode of care?
A. DRG grouper
B. resource-based relative value scale
C. fee scedule
D. conversation factor
Medicare coding reimbursements question?
I think C.
A. DRG grouper
B. resource-based relative value scale
C. fee scedule
D. conversation factor
Medicare coding reimbursements question?
I think C.
Can someone help me out with coding strands of DNA??
Ok. I missed class last week due to personal reasons. Anyways, I missed the section on how to code strands of DNA. I go to OSU, so of course my professor wouldnt be able to help me since theres over 400 people in the class and I don't know anyone else taking this class.
Anyways, we got a worksheet to do with 3 questions. I read in my book on how to do this, but I don't understand it.
The questions we got were:
The following nucleotide sequence is the coding strand of DNA:
Please provide the sequence of the template strand.
Please transcribe the mRNA from this DNA.
Please translate the amino acid sequence from this message.
Can anyone help me out? And perhaps, give me a short summary on how to do this?
Can someone help me out with coding strands of DNA??
WHY do people get these things mixed
Nucleic acid sequences are always written in the 5'-%26gt;3' direction
so you have the coding sequence:
The template sequence you can find easily by pairing A with T, T with A, G with C and C with G
Now, for a not very advanced class the professor would be content with the answer TAC TGA ACA CAG GAT ATC as the template sequence. However that would be wrong, since nucleic acid sequences have to be written in the 5'-%26gt;3' direction so the truly correct answer is:
mRNA has the same sequence as the coding DNA with only difference that you have U instead of T:
You need a table with the code (every 3 bases make-up a codon that codes for a specific amino acid). You can also use on-line tools like: http://au.expasy.org/tools/dna.html...
M T C V L Stop or if you prefer 3-letter code
Met Thr Cys Val Leu stop (well stop is not part of the protein but its just to show that the last codon is a stop codon)
Reply:the mRNA will be UAC UGA ACA CAG GAU AUG
and the amino acids in order are:tyrosine,stop codon,threonin,glutamine,acid aspartic,start codon
and the template strand is TAC TGA ACA CAG GAT ATC
Reply:I could be wrong, but I think the amino acid sequence as translated from the mRNA would be:
(Start) Methionine, threonine, cysteine, valine, leucine, stop codon
Reply:There are 4 bases in DNA : A, T, C, G.
A always goes with T and C always goes with G
There are 4 bases in RNA: A, U, C, G
A always goes with U and C always goes with G
The question gives you a coding strand and from this a template strand must be made. With the above rules this means that the template strand must be:
From the template strand a mRNA is transcribed and with the above rules the mRNA strand must be:
From the mRNA strand a sequence of amino acids can be deciphered. Each 3 bases = 1 codon. each codon = 1 amino acid. You should have been given an amino acid/codon table or something. Use the mRNA strand to figure out the amino acid sequence.
Good luck!
Reply:TAC TGA ACA CAG GAT ATC - template strand
i dont have the amino acid sequence chart with me at the moment..
wild flowers
Anyways, we got a worksheet to do with 3 questions. I read in my book on how to do this, but I don't understand it.
The questions we got were:
The following nucleotide sequence is the coding strand of DNA:
Please provide the sequence of the template strand.
Please transcribe the mRNA from this DNA.
Please translate the amino acid sequence from this message.
Can anyone help me out? And perhaps, give me a short summary on how to do this?
Can someone help me out with coding strands of DNA??
WHY do people get these things mixed
Nucleic acid sequences are always written in the 5'-%26gt;3' direction
so you have the coding sequence:
The template sequence you can find easily by pairing A with T, T with A, G with C and C with G
Now, for a not very advanced class the professor would be content with the answer TAC TGA ACA CAG GAT ATC as the template sequence. However that would be wrong, since nucleic acid sequences have to be written in the 5'-%26gt;3' direction so the truly correct answer is:
mRNA has the same sequence as the coding DNA with only difference that you have U instead of T:
You need a table with the code (every 3 bases make-up a codon that codes for a specific amino acid). You can also use on-line tools like: http://au.expasy.org/tools/dna.html...
M T C V L Stop or if you prefer 3-letter code
Met Thr Cys Val Leu stop (well stop is not part of the protein but its just to show that the last codon is a stop codon)
Reply:the mRNA will be UAC UGA ACA CAG GAU AUG
and the amino acids in order are:tyrosine,stop codon,threonin,glutamine,acid aspartic,start codon
and the template strand is TAC TGA ACA CAG GAT ATC
Reply:I could be wrong, but I think the amino acid sequence as translated from the mRNA would be:
(Start) Methionine, threonine, cysteine, valine, leucine, stop codon
Reply:There are 4 bases in DNA : A, T, C, G.
A always goes with T and C always goes with G
There are 4 bases in RNA: A, U, C, G
A always goes with U and C always goes with G
The question gives you a coding strand and from this a template strand must be made. With the above rules this means that the template strand must be:
From the template strand a mRNA is transcribed and with the above rules the mRNA strand must be:
From the mRNA strand a sequence of amino acids can be deciphered. Each 3 bases = 1 codon. each codon = 1 amino acid. You should have been given an amino acid/codon table or something. Use the mRNA strand to figure out the amino acid sequence.
Good luck!
Reply:TAC TGA ACA CAG GAT ATC - template strand
i dont have the amino acid sequence chart with me at the moment..
wild flowers
I want best html coding all do you have any good web site url please help?
I want html best site URL
I am web designer..
Advance Thanq for help ...
I want best html coding all do you have any good web site url please help?
here ya go
I am web designer..
Advance Thanq for help ...
I want best html coding all do you have any good web site url please help?
here ya go
Why did myspace change their coding to prevent movies like video.google from appearing on your myspace page?
Why did myspace change their coding to prevent movies like video.google from appearing on your myspace page? The embed doesn't work. The post to myspace no longer works either. Any clue how to fix this?
Why did myspace change their coding to prevent movies like video.google from appearing on your myspace page?
I'm not to sure but maybe its because they have a myspace video page and they want the videos on there used so you're not using copyrighted videos or draining peoples bandwidth.
but they block imeem playlist from being posted on mysapce too.
its so gay.
so i had to use projectplaylist but they dont have as much songs as imeem so yeah..
Reply:They didn't change this, the "Embed" was down for a while, as far As i know it is back up. Also, try using Internet Explorer, if you already don't.
Well i don't know why your myspace would be doing that. The embedding might be down again/
Why did myspace change their coding to prevent movies like video.google from appearing on your myspace page?
I'm not to sure but maybe its because they have a myspace video page and they want the videos on there used so you're not using copyrighted videos or draining peoples bandwidth.
but they block imeem playlist from being posted on mysapce too.
its so gay.
so i had to use projectplaylist but they dont have as much songs as imeem so yeah..
Reply:They didn't change this, the "Embed" was down for a while, as far As i know it is back up. Also, try using Internet Explorer, if you already don't.
Well i don't know why your myspace would be doing that. The embedding might be down again/
Should I keep PAYE coding notices for more than a year?
Although there is no official need to keep once you have another it is always wise to hold onto for the tax year and the one after that. This is so that you can check the details have been used correctly by employers and you can ask HMRC for any refunds earlier rather than later. You sometimes need to trace the order of coding notices if you have alot in one year.
Should I keep PAYE coding notices for more than a year?
I would keep it has its amazing once you bin something some one will ask for it.Say for a reference for a bank loan etc
Reply:Strangely, you are advised to keep pay slips etc for 3yr ............. especially if you're a ex-student.
Reply:No need when one gets a new one it replaces the old one so bin it.....
Should I keep PAYE coding notices for more than a year?
I would keep it has its amazing once you bin something some one will ask for it.Say for a reference for a bank loan etc
Reply:Strangely, you are advised to keep pay slips etc for 3yr ............. especially if you're a ex-student.
Reply:No need when one gets a new one it replaces the old one so bin it.....
Can the same html coding that's used for myspace be used to make personal web pages?
The HTML used on MySpace is the simple stuff. In order to get started building a real website, I would suggest taking a tutorial at http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.as... first. This is a good way to get started, but once you get comfortable, you may want to go on with more tutorials and/or education.
Can the same html coding that's used for myspace be used to make personal web pages?
yes html codes are used for websites and you have more that you can do for a website.
Reply:No not exactly. If you look more you'll see "other" and click on it. Use tht code.
Can the same html coding that's used for myspace be used to make personal web pages?
yes html codes are used for websites and you have more that you can do for a website.
Reply:No not exactly. If you look more you'll see "other" and click on it. Use tht code.
New to coding were should one start off?
so im new to coding and i need some advice, what would be a good way to start out to understand coding and what langue would you recommend is good to start out with software Internet, it doesn't matter just were should one start
New to coding were should one start off?
At the beginning.
What do want to achieve?
Have you got a logical mind?
Try web monkey if you want to learn HTML basics.
Reply:first, learn C and C++.easy languages.
then if you want to design websites and stuff, learn HTML
then if you want to go further into coding,try JAVA.
if you want a job in a company try core and advanced java and learn oracle/SQL
Reply:If you are going to start from the beginning and want to work online then I suggest you start with learnign how to program a website. Here is a useful tutorial from beginners to more advanced methods:
From there you can look into Flash and Flex applications and also Java.
The scope of the internet and what you can do with it is immense and can be very daunting. Just take one step at a time and you will be okay :)
New to coding were should one start off?
At the beginning.
What do want to achieve?
Have you got a logical mind?
Try web monkey if you want to learn HTML basics.
Reply:first, learn C and C++.easy languages.
then if you want to design websites and stuff, learn HTML
then if you want to go further into coding,try JAVA.
if you want a job in a company try core and advanced java and learn oracle/SQL
Reply:If you are going to start from the beginning and want to work online then I suggest you start with learnign how to program a website. Here is a useful tutorial from beginners to more advanced methods:
From there you can look into Flash and Flex applications and also Java.
The scope of the internet and what you can do with it is immense and can be very daunting. Just take one step at a time and you will be okay :)
Is there anyone else that is college for Medical Coding And Billing? If so it would be great to get with you.
I got my AAS degree. Went to school and my official title is Medical Coding/Transcription Office Administration. Thats a mouth full. Anyway, you are on your way to a great carreer. Make sure when you are done that you get certified as a coder. You will have more job opportunities and if you want you will even have the possibility of working from home. I am not certified so my carreer options are limited. If you need any help please email me. sandy642000@yahoo.com
Good Luck
Good Luck
How to learn coding in symfony web php framework?
apart from symfony documentation ,how can i find code in symfony.suggest any other online web sites.give some projects already seveloped in symfony
How to learn coding in symfony web php framework?
Well you can refer to the "askeet" project developed entirely in symfony. Its available in the site.
If you don't have the book "The Definitive Guide to symfony", you can download from this link:
I think the symfony site http://www.symfony-project.com/ has got enough resources to learn symfony.
rose garden
How to learn coding in symfony web php framework?
Well you can refer to the "askeet" project developed entirely in symfony. Its available in the site.
If you don't have the book "The Definitive Guide to symfony", you can download from this link:
I think the symfony site http://www.symfony-project.com/ has got enough resources to learn symfony.
rose garden
Please help me to get the Java/C++ coding to display patterns below?
Use nested loop to print the following patterns.In java or C++
Please help me to get the Java/C++ coding to display patterns below?
Maybe something like this?
I haven't tested and it's been ages since I used c++ so the syntax may not be correct.
string temp1 = "";
string temp2 = "";
for(int i = 1 ; i%26lt;6 ; i++) {
cout %26lt;%26lt; i + temp2;
temp2 = i + temp1;
temp1 = temp2;
temp1 = "";
temp2 = "";
for(int x = 1 ; x%26lt;6 ; x++) {
for(int y = 1 ; y%26lt;(7-x) ; y++) {
temp2 = temp1 + i;
temp1 = temp2;
cout %26lt;%26lt; temp2;
temp1 = "";
temp2 = "";
Reply:i 'll jus show the loops
if (i%26lt;=j)
Please help me to get the Java/C++ coding to display patterns below?
Maybe something like this?
I haven't tested and it's been ages since I used c++ so the syntax may not be correct.
string temp1 = "";
string temp2 = "";
for(int i = 1 ; i%26lt;6 ; i++) {
cout %26lt;%26lt; i + temp2;
temp2 = i + temp1;
temp1 = temp2;
temp1 = "";
temp2 = "";
for(int x = 1 ; x%26lt;6 ; x++) {
for(int y = 1 ; y%26lt;(7-x) ; y++) {
temp2 = temp1 + i;
temp1 = temp2;
cout %26lt;%26lt; temp2;
temp1 = "";
temp2 = "";
Reply:i 'll jus show the loops
if (i%26lt;=j)
Where can i get coding for all languages website?
where i can get coding for seeing my site in all major languages in the world say eng ,german,spanish ,french ,hindi tec....is there any code for different indian languages ???
Where can i get coding for all languages website?
Goto Google Translate... The translations aren't perfect, but at least it's a start...
(I just tried the English-%26gt;Japanese, which worked well. Then I tried Japanese-%26gt;English and it didn't do as well:
"Hi, my name is Nakamori Akina!" got translated to:
"Today, as for my name they are the medium forest discernment greens!"
It did a literal translation of her name...)
Then you'll have to create a duplicate copy of your site for each language or you could store all the text in a database and retrieve it based on the language requested...
Where can i get coding for all languages website?
Goto Google Translate... The translations aren't perfect, but at least it's a start...
(I just tried the English-%26gt;Japanese, which worked well. Then I tried Japanese-%26gt;English and it didn't do as well:
"Hi, my name is Nakamori Akina!" got translated to:
"Today, as for my name they are the medium forest discernment greens!"
It did a literal translation of her name...)
Then you'll have to create a duplicate copy of your site for each language or you could store all the text in a database and retrieve it based on the language requested...
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